Nicola Tornaletti PCC in action as Mentor coach

Since 2015 I have been mentoring a team of 12 coaches across 5 countries.

Here is a summary of their quotes about this experience:

“I find our discussion very useful, we get together a lot of options, what to do and NIcola gives me very interesting new points of view”

“Nicola, you have shown me something beyond coaching skills – that is my personal influence on situation and people”

“I feel totally accepted and valued by you on the one hand, on the other you challenge me and that was great! So I felt safety and not lazy:)”

“Sometimes it not so easy but it’s always a learning for me.”

“You have very appreciative approach, always positive attitude, and still can be challenging and invite to confrontation (when needed)”

“You listen, sometimes when you push too much, I signal it and you change the style promptly”

“I enjoy the 1 to 1 calls with my mentor: I can tackle topics relevant to me and I grow as a coach”

“His true willingness to help! Even if I’m not always easy to mentor.”

“Peace, positive approach, digging deeper to understand (not taking no as an answer:), willingness to support and do the extra mile if needed. Being natural, good man. Giving support when needed – not only in the topic but also mentally. Patience, resilience, good sense of humor. Good taste for many things – food including:))”

“I appreciate that my mentor uses a direct communication with me and gives me a honest feedback.”

“His calm and patience. The way he offers feedback – kindly suggest what needs to be improved. Offers examples from his experience. I trust his opinion.”

“Capability to focus while maintaining an overall view of how the project progresses. Real listening, understanding and supporting. Going to the essence. Flexibility. No bureaucracy.”